Have you ever discovered a life hack and thought it was so useful that it just became a part of your daily life?

That's what happened to @thelifebath when she found this life changing way to eat chips and dip — all with items you already have at home:

A table with chips and dip on top
A bowl with chips inside as well as a martini glass which is filled with the dip
@thelifebath / Via tiktok.com

Since the tip became so handy, she asked her followers about the about the hacks that have become an "unconscious standard practice" in their lives. Here's what they had to say:

1. Never spill again while pouring from one container to another with this hack:

A person tries to pour liquid from a cup into a bowl and makes a mess
The person places a spoon at the edge of the cup to guide the liquid into the bowl
@thiccumsmcdaddycakes / Via tiktok.com

2. "Putting two scrunchies on my wrists while washing my face to keep the water from running down my arms! Life changer!!!"

— @jessolson5

3. This trick is how I will 100% be cutting peppers from now on:

A person chops up a red pepper by cutting out the center
The final result shows a perfectly cut pepper
@danceswithpugs / Via tiktok.com

4. If you've ever had a hard time splitting a pill, this hack is for you:

A person holds up a pill that has an indentation in the center
The pill is cut in half
@2recap / Via tiktok.com

5. "We put whole bedding sets inside one of the pillowcases of that set. Never have to hunt around for bedding again!"

— @jkemmerson1

6. "Cut an onion in half and run it under cold water before you finish cutting it up will prevent your eyes from watering."

— @tee_marie_xox

7. Keep your chips fresh without a bag clip with this folding trick:

A person folds a chip bag closed in a special way
The bag is held upside down to show that chips can't get out
Via @emmalapagous

8. "Leave the silverware holder for the dishwasher in the sink until it's time to start the dishwasher."

— @crystalransons

9. Get the most out of your mac and cheese (or any squeezable food packaging) with this hack:

A woman puts a packet of cheese into a pot of noodles and uses the pot top to get the excess cheese out
A woman puts a packet of cheese into a pot of noodles and uses the pot top to get the excess cheese out
@youradhdmom / Via tiktok.com

10. "Put an ice cube in a bowl of cold rice and then put it in the microwave to reheat/steam it."

— @life.of.zeus

11. Tough jar to open? Give it a bang against a counter and the top will twist right off:

A person bangs a jar of olives against a counter
They show off the open olive jar
@sandrahawkes / Via tiktok.com

12. "Use an old pillowcase to clean fan blades because they catch the dust!"

— @amberdaniel

13. If you're having a hard time keeping your wrapping paper together, try this technique to keep it from unraveling:

A person holds up a toiler paper roll cut in half
The toilet paper roll is wrapped around the roll of wrapping paper
@alexa. is. broken / Via tiktok.com

14. "Light a piece of dried spaghetti and use it to get into candles where you can't reach with a normal match."

— @mammacookie0

15. If you're ever in an unfamiliar car (or are just forgetful about your own), this trick will show you which side of the car the gas pump is on:

A gas tank symbol on a car dashboard features an arrow pointing to the right
@kenaflynn / Via tiktok.com

16. "Put a few paper towels into your lettuce or greens container. It keeps them fresh way longer."

— @anruthen

17. "Cover the top of your kitchen cupboards with baking parchment so grease/dust doesn't collect. Then just throw away and replace!"

— @julezyoulouz

18. Nowhere to put a hot straightener while doing your hair? Use a mug!

A person holds up an straightener in front of a mug
The straightener is placed inside the mug
@insideoutmind / Via tiktok.com

19. "Hot water in a ziplock bag will defrost your car windshield. Life changing!"

— @lizc1310

20. Never have knotted headphones again with this tying trick:

A woman holds up a headphone cord as she wraps it up
A woman holds up a headphone cord as she wraps it up
@helloviclanda / Via tiktok.com

21. "I put a fork in my Oreos so they're easier to fully submerge in milk!"

— @amb_023

22. "I put my phone on airplane mode when I'm playing games that don't require wifi and that way no ads come through."

— @jujuxvoa

23. Store your cheese with ease with this trick to reseal plastic containers:

A woman chops a block of cheese while it's still in plastic
The woman removes the extra plastic and places it back on the block of cheese
@jewlia5 / Via tiktok.com

24. "Use a basket that fits in the fridge to hold ketchup, mustard, anything you need at the table for dinner. You can take it all out at once and then put it back in together."

— @tracydubek

25. "I put my shoelace through the hole of my key and then tie my shoelaces. So when I go running, I don't need to think about my keys!"

— @irisvankempen

26. Get every last drop out boxed wine with this simple solution:

A woman flows into a container of boxed wine
She then pours out the extra wine into a glass
@ronda. no .h / Via tiktok.com

27. Cold hands while eating a personal pint of ice cream? A mug is a perfect fit:

A pint of ice cream perfectly placed inside a mug
@kayleecollins96 / Via tiktok.com

28. "To keep homemade cookies soft, put a piece of bread in the container!"

— @iamveep

29. If you're worried about people peeking through your blinds (or want to make your room darker), try flipping the blinds like in this hack:

30. "Run the ice cream scooper under hot water before using it and it won't be as difficult to scoop."

— @cynthiarodela

31. This hack makes getting eggs out of the fridge so much easier:

A person cuts off the top of a carton of eggs
The open carton is in the fridge, showing how easy it is to grab one
@alysehill90 / Via tiktok.com

32. Want to get rid of a pesky sticker? Use this method to remove unwanted adornment:

33. "Line the bottom of your oven with tinfoil so that spills don't burn on and your oven is an easy cleanup."

— @leanne...8

34. Never dig through your drawers again by folding your shirts this way:

A drawer filled with shirts folded facing up so the owner can see all her shirts at once
@potterforce5 / Via tiktok.com

35. "Rest a wooden spoon on top of a pot of boiling water to keep it from boiling over."

— @creepingcrow

36. Get your drains clean with this hack that involves vinegar, baking soda, and boiling water:

A bottle of white vinegar and a container of baking soda
Both items being poured into the sink
@callumsmart4 / Via tiktok.com 

Source: Buzzfeed

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